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Finding the most appropriate support or activities for your child or young person is important. There is a framework of providers in place to help identify and arrange services for disabled children, young people and families needing support. Many young disabled people and their families choose to arrange their own support using direct payments or personal budgets. Families can choose to buy services from a framework provider if they wish to. The framework helps these families find out what's available and that providers meet certain quality standards.

The framework of providers

The framework is a list of organisations that can provide certain kinds of support and activities for disabled children, young people and their families in Derbyshire.

The majority of providers on the framework work with young people from 0 up to the age of 25. However, this will depend on the provider delivering the service and the specific service that is required.

They can deliver:

  • flexible, one-to-one support in the young person's home or in the community
  • childcare or 'sitting' services in the young person's home or elsewhere
  • activities for individuals or groups during the daytime, evenings or weekends
  • activity weekends for groups of disabled young people
  • support with personal, practical and social/emotional aspects of ordinary living
  • help for young people and families with direct payments or personal budgets to develop a plan and find support that's right for them

Choosing the providers on the framework

We've invited applications from service providers and checked they met certain quality standards. The framework will continue under contract for 4 years, reviews will take place yearly to ensure that all framework providers continue to meet these terms and conditions. It is likely that the opportunity to become an approved provider in future will be subject to another open tender exercise.

To purchase services from a framework provider

Young people and parents or carers

You can contact the provider directly and make your own arrangements.

Be very clear about the service you want, when and where you want it and what you want to achieve.

It's a good idea to sign an agreement which describes the service that will be provided and how much you'll pay.

If you have a direct payment or a personal budget check with your social worker first to make sure they agree that the support meets your needs.

Our staff

If you work for adult care and want to purchase services from the framework you should contact your brokerage team.

Other staff should follow relevant guidance.

Limitations of the framework

We can assure you that the framework is provided with our reasonable care and skill (for example, by us reasonably assessing that the framework providers meet certain quality standards). We don't make any other promises or warranties about the services provided by any service provider under the framework.

It remains the responsibility of parents, carers or professionals to check that the service being offered by a framework provider is appropriate and meets the needs of the child or young person concerned.

Other than through our negligence or breach of statutory duty, we will not accept any liability arising out of the use of information obtained through the framework, or any liability arising from employing a framework provider.

If a problem does occur it is important that you register your concern as soon as possible and we will look into the issue further.

Contact us

Contact children's commissioning team, email:

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