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The Derbyshire Early Years Special Educational Needs Panel is a multi-agency group. It considers services for Derbyshire children aged 0 to 4-years-old with complex special educational needs (SEN), where 2 or more EY support services have been referred into.

The Early Years SEN Panel aims to:

  • support the early identification of SEN and disabilities
  • ensure that children’s needs are identified and assessed quickly, and matched by appropriate provision
  • coordinate provision through the development of close partnerships between parents, the local authority, health, and the private and voluntary sector
  • promote inclusion in mainstream early years settings wherever possible, and in-line with parental wishes

The Early Years SEN Panel consists of representatives from the following agencies:

Information for Parents, Carers and Referrers

Everyone working for the Local Authority has a legal duty to keep information about you and your child confidential. All services working with you and your child need up-to-date information. We only ever use or pass on information if there is a real need to do so.

For more information about what we share and who we share it with, please view Derbyshire County Council's Privacy Notice. This will also tell you about your rights and how we store your data.

DCC Support services work with a range of special needs and range of ages. The EYSEN Panel referral form is for children aged 0 to 4-years-old with Special Educational Needs. If accepted by the support service(s), the child will receive specialised early intervention and support with their learning. Follow links on this page to see the criteria for each support service.

The EYSEN Panel Referral Form (in the related documents section of this page) can be used to refer into the following support services:

Parents/carers must agree to the referral being made. Settings must confirm consent has been obtained.

Referrals to the Teacher of the Deaf service, and to the Vision-Impaired service MUST be signed by a parent. This is so that the support service can access medical records about the hearing or vision impairment.

All referrals must include a description of the child’s developmental profile. In addition, there should be evidence of work completed by the EYs provider with the child as referenced in the Graduated Response (Code of SEN Practice 2015). For DPS there must be a detailed description of need, information about what services and support have been accessed at universal and targeted levels, and any impact of this.

The Vision and Physical Impairment and Teacher of the Deaf teams will accept referrals without evidence of a graduated response; however, the child’s needs must meet the criteria for those services. Please visit: Derbyshire Local Offer - Sensory and Physical Support Services.

For referrals to the EYSEN specialist teaching service, the child (if in receipt of a government funded place) should already be in receipt of Early Years Inclusion Funding. Referrals to the EPS should also have a robust graduated response, which will often include EYIF being in place.


For queries about the Early Years Panel, please email:

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