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Useful links to Derbyshire Healthcare Services

Useful links and information within Derbyshire

Derbyshire Independent Information, Advice and Support Service for SEND
DIASS provides independent information, advice and support to:

  • children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)
  • parents and carers of these children and young people

Derbyshire County Council - Parent’s guide to primary admissions in Derbyshire
The guide provides information relating to the admission of children to reception classes. It also applies to children who will transfer from infant school to junior school.

Derbyshire County Council - Education outside of the normal year group in Derbyshire
This gives information for families of children who are educated outside of their normal year group.

Derbyshire Autism Services
Derbyshire based charity that aims to:

  • promote and enhance the care of people with autism
  • and to assist the carers of people with autism.

Useful links to national organisations

A children's communication charity who helps children develop speech, language and communication skills.

A national charity dedicated to improving children's bowel and bladder health. Gives advice on continence.

Makaton Charity
A charity supporting communication with Makaton.

Family Fund
The UK’s largest grant-making charity for families raising a child with a disability or a seriously ill child, on a low income.

New Life Charity
The UK’s largest charitable provider of specialist equipment for children with disabilities.

A disability equality charity. They provide practical information and emotional support and campaign for a fairer society.

A charity providing support and advice to families of children with disabilities.

Unique Ways
A charity supporting families and children with:

  • physical and learning disabilities
  • and ongoing health conditions.

Cerebra Sleep Advice Service
A charity that provides resources to support families with promoting healthy sleep.

The Sleep Charity
A charity that provides advice and support to empower the nation to sleep better.

National Autistic Society
Provides information and practical advice for those with autism and their families.

Down’s Syndrome Association
A national organisation that is committed to improve the quality of life for people who have Down's Syndrome.