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Information for Parents and Carers

Health professionals must notify the local authority if they identify a child who:

If your child has, or probably has SEN, then the following professionals must inform the Local Authority:

  • GP
  • Health Visitor
  • Paediatrician
  • or other health professional

This is so that the Local Authority can make long-term plans for the types of services that may be needed for your child in the future.

We ask for your email contact details on the notification form. This is so that we can send you information from the Local Authority about funding and support.

Everyone working for the Local Authority and the National Health Service has a legal duty to keep information about you and your child confidential. 

All services working with you and your child need up-to-date information. We only ever use or pass on information if there is a real need to do so.

For more information about what we share, who we share it with, your rights, and how we store your data, please view Derbyshire County Council's Privacy Notices.

Information for Health Professionals

How do I notify the Local Authority?

If you are a professional and would like to bring a child aged 0 to 5 to our attention with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), or possible SEND, please complete the notification form found in the 'Related Documents' section of this page.

How do I send my notification?

Once you have completed your notification, please send it via email to:

If you need to discuss your notification, or have any queries, please contact us via:

What happens next?

Notification to the local authority of a child 0 5-years-old with SEND:

This form is for the sole purpose of the NHS fulfilling its legal obligation to notify the local authority of a child 0 to 5-years-old with SEND.

This notification will result in the child’s details being added to the council’s children's services database.

Related documents