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Completing Sensory Processing Needs (SPN) training is highly recommended before using the sensory processing needs tool kit. Within children's services, the following support services offer a range of training opportunities. At the discretion of Heads of Service, this training may be commissioned to other partners and parents.

The following training will typically include:

  • The nature of Sensory Processing Needs (SPN)
  • Impact of SPN needs and barriers to a child's learning, engagement and functional skills
  • Introduction to strategies to engage children with SPN through the SPN tool kit materials.

The Autism Outreach (AO) Team, Behaviour Support Service (BSS) and Specialist Service for Special Educational Needs (SSSEN) have now closed and been replaced with the new Derbyshire County Council's Inclusion Support Advisory Service (ISAS), comprised of a range of specialist teachers, all able to support and advise schools and settings around whole school inclusion and the implementation of the Graduated Response. More information will be available in the near future. When training events are planned and advertised by ISAS, you will be able to view, and book via Derbyshire's Services for Schools - ISAS.

The Early Years SEN Service offers in-depth sensory processing training 'reducing sensory processing barriers to learning' to schools and settings via Eventbrite. (2 sessions that are 2.5-hour each, 1 theory session, followed by 1 practical use of the toolkit materials). They also offer bespoke training for whole settings which can be booked directly through the service. Although offered through early years perspective, the training reflects the needs of children of all ages with SPN and is offered to partners.

Educational Psychology Services offers scheduled online sensory processing needs training which can be booked via Services4Schools. This can be commissioned by schools and partners. Bespoke training to settings/schools can also be delivered as part of their support package which would be negotiated between the school/settings and their educational psychologist and is not bookable through Services4Schools.

The North Derbyshire Children's Occupational Therapy team offer information and workshops to parents and carers to support Understanding of Sensory Processing Needs and promote practical strategies to support children with sensory processing needs to carry out every day, practical tasks.

The South Derbyshire Healthcare Foundation Trust - Children's Occupational Therapy Service offers a parental course 'Understanding Sensory Skills' which will help parents recognise the sensory processing needs that their child may have and give ideas on how to support their child to manage these difficulties. There are also additional resources that can be downloaded. Once parents have watched the presentation and after spending at least 4 months implementing any of the strategies that are applicable, parents can return completed questionnaires (on the website) and call in to book a follow-up consultation with the occupational therapist and other parents via Microsoft Teams.

Families can self-refer for the presentation (which requires a pass code) by contacting the administration team on 0300 123 4586 (option 2 and then option 5).
A link to the website will then be provided with a passcode to unlock the presentation.