A bursary is money that you, your education provider, or training provider can use to pay for things like clothing, books, and other equipment for your course. It can also be used for transport, or lunch on days that you study or train.
You could get a bursary to help with education-related costs if you're aged 16 to 19 and:
- studying at school or college (not university) in England
- on a training course, including unpaid apprenticeships
There are 2 types of 16 to 19 bursary. These are:
- Vulnerable Student Bursary
- Discretionary Bursary
When to apply
You should apply when you know where you will study or train. This will make sure you get the bursary as soon as possible. You might need to reapply for a bursary for each year of your course, so make sure to check with your education provider.
How to claim
Apply to your school, college, or training provider. Ask your teacher, tutor or student services what you need to do. They can also help you decide if you're eligible for a bursary and explain how to apply.
Further information
To view government guidance that includes all the necessary eligibility information, please visit GOV.UK - Guidance on the 16 to 19 Bursary Fund.