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We understand that people who have carers have worries or concerns about what would happen if their carer was to fall ill, or, for whatever reason, be unable to provide the usual level of care you require. We also understand that carers share the same concerns. Putting a plan into place to ensure you continue to receive the care you require is good practice. The information on this page details what is available from local authorities or different organisations to help you do this.

Planning for an emergency

You may be worried about what might happen if your carer had to go into hospital, had an accident or were no longer able to care for you. Planning in advance and talking about who could provide your care if this happens makes an emergency easier to deal with.

The following organisations offer detailed information and advice on how you can plan for an emergency:

Marie Curie - Planning for an emergency as a carer

Carers First - Planning for an emergency as a carer

Carers First - Creating a contingency plan

Carers Trust - Help when a carer has to go into hospital

Carer's Emergency Card

If you provide unpaid care to a family member or friend, it is useful to consider creating a plan in case you're suddenly unable to carry out your caring role. Derbyshire County Council's Carer's Emergency Card can help you to be more prepared in an emergency, for example, if you become poorly or are admitted to hospital. By carrying the card, it can alert emergency services and anyone else who might help you in an emergency, that someone relies on you.

Your card will have a unique reference number and a contact number for the relevant Derbyshire County Council service who can help to arrange support for the person you care for, based on the information you provide during the application process as part of your emergency plan.

To find out more about the Carer's Emergency Card, please visit:

Derbyshire County Council - Carer's Emergency Card

Planning for the future

Your support needs, and your carer's will change over time which means your living arrangements may also be affected. A good way to ensure your living arrangements are planned, is to discuss the care you need with family and friends. You may want to talk about housing options with them and the person who cares for you. Having an agreed understanding in advance of an emergency, can help you or your carer make decisions.

Your care needs change over time but you can maintain some independence by making changes to your home or introducing a few things to make it easier if your carer was unable to care for you. You may wish to think about lifelines (alarms), key safes, equipment, assistive technology and other home adaptations. It is good practice to have these in place before something happens.

Power of Attorney

A power of attorney is a way of giving someone you trust the legal authority to make decisions for you if you can’t make them yourself, or if you don’t want to. For more information about a lasting power of attorney and how to set this up, visit:

GOV.UK - Make, register or end a lasting power of attorney

Contact Details in an Emergency

If you need to contact Derbyshire County Council about social care, Call Derbyshire on telephone: 01629 533190.

If you need to contact Derbyshire County Council about social care before 9am or after 5pm use the emergency contact numbers.

Derbyshire County Council - Contacting Social Care
Derbyshire County Council - Contacting Adult Care Services

Carers Breaks and Respite Care

For information about carers' breaks and respite care, visit Short Break Services.