A list of useful resources has been collated on this page to aid professionals working directly with children, young people and their families. Information on this page is already featured on the Local Offer website. Direct links have been applied to help you locate this information quickly. Some information on this page is hosted externally and as such, links will direct you to external websites.
If there are other resources you regularly access or use, and you feel that adding them to this page would assist you and other professionals, please contact:
Useful Resources
Apply for an assessment
Children's Services SEND Information Sharing Agreement
Explains the responsibilities for exchanging data between organisations to ensure that the shared information is handled securely, legally, and appropriately.
Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP)
Find examples of, and all sections of the Education, Health and Care Plan Forms for completion.
EHCP Statutory Annual Reviews
Find documents and forms for the statutory process of looking at the needs and provision specified in an EHC Plan, and deciding whether these need to change.
Early Years
Early Years Graduated Response April 2023
Find information about the provision for young children requiring support from within educational settings without the necessity for an EHCP.
Referral for a Derbyshire specialist support service for children in the foundation stage
To refer to the EYSEN specialist teaching service or Derbyshire portage service.
Early Years SEN Inclusion Fund Application and Evaluation
Find information, guidance notes, forms and example forms relating to the Early Years Inclusion Fund.
Early Years SEN Panel
The Early Years SEN Panel is a multi-agency group that considers services for children aged 0 to 5 years old with complex SEN.
Early Years SEN Outreach Team
Find information, forms and example forms relating to the Early Years Outreach Team.
EYFS Celebratory Checkpoints
Find information and forms relating to the Early Years Celebratory Checkpoints.
Early Years Descriptors of Special Educational Needs Provision
Find information about the importance of Quality First Teaching and the responsibility of all practitioners to use their best endeavours to meet the needs of all children.
Early Years NHS Notification of SEND 0-5
Find information about how to notify the LA of a child under compulsory school age who you suspect has a special educational need or disability.
Education and Learning
Inclusion Support Advisory Service (ISAS)
Find information about the Inclusion Support Advisory Service (ISAS), Graduated Response, Referrals for targeted and specialist support, useful resources and webinars.
Inclusion Panel
Derbyshire schools can apply to Inclusion Panel where they can demonstrate the implementation of a graduated response and how the notional SEND budget has been spent. Inclusion Panel is a mechanism for Derbyshire schools to access additional funding to support the inclusion of children and young people with additional needs.
ND Advocates
We are aiming to empower schools to be training an ND Advocate in each setting, who will be provided with high quality resource material to deliver training in their own setting, regular network meetings to share good practice and receive further Continued Professional Development (CPD), and regular newsletters and resources to develop good practice to support their neurodivergent community in school.
The Engagement Service
The Engagement Service is part of the newly restructured Derbyshire Inclusion Support Service and consists of Nurture, Positive Play and Outdoor Learning.
Nurture Team
The Derbyshire Nurture Team (DNT) is part of the Inclusion Support Advisory Service (ISAS). We are a team of specialist Nurture trained teachers and teaching assistants with extensive skills and experience of working in Derbyshire schools and academies to promote positive behaviour and emotional wellbeing.
Positive Play
The Derbyshire Positive Play Team is part of the Inclusion Support Advisory Service (ISAS). We have been running the programme for over 20 years and have experience of working in Derbyshire schools and academies to promote positive behaviour and emotional wellbeing.
Outdoor Learning
During outdoor learning children develop various essential skills, from problem-solving and critical thinking to confidence and resilience.
Derbyshire Graduated Response May 2022
This document makes explicit the provision for children and young people requiring support from within educational settings without the necessity for an EHCP.
Autism Education Trust
Gain understanding of autism and learn evidence-based strategies to support your pupils. The Autism Education Trust Programme offers face-to-face and virtual training, and practical resources to support education professionals in mainstream and special settings.
Sensory and Physical Support Service (SPSS) - Teacher of the Deaf Team
Sensory and Physical Support Service (SPSS) - Physical Impairment Form
Sensory and Physical Support Service (SPSS) - Vision Impairment Form
For schools & settings to make a referral to the Sensory and Physical Support Service.
Derbyshire Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions
Find information and forms for making arrangements for supporting pupils with medical conditions.
Derbyshire County Council Sensory Processing Needs Toolkit
A guide and forms for schools, settings and practitioners on how to support children with sensory needs, in order to remove or reduce the impact of this on their learning.
My SEND Learning Programme
Describe in one document a child's views, health needs, social care needs, outcomes, provision and more.
Alternative Provision Directory
Find a variety of organisations that offer alternative provision to children and providers in Derbyshire to support a variety of ages and needs.
Derbyshire Services for Schools - Education Improvement Service - Early Years Team
All early years providers including schools who are funded by the local authority to deliver early education places must have regard to the Special Educational Needs Code of Practice. Every child deserves a high-quality early education. The benefits can be seen throughout early childhood itself and also later in their schooling. A high-quality early education is particularly beneficial for children from disadvantaged backgrounds and for children with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND). The Education Improvement Service - Early Years Team promote effective and high-quality teaching and learning through signposting and providing information, advice and training, thereby enabling inclusive practice, and safeguarding of all children.
Derbyshire County Council - Education Improvement Service
The children's services Education Improvement Service provides school-based guidance on all areas of school improvement, teaching, learning and leadership. The majority of children and young people with special educational needs are educated in our mainstream schools. The Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Code of Practice emphasises that ‘Special educational provision is underpinned by high quality teaching and is compromised by anything less.’ (DfE, 2015, Pg.25) and that ‘High quality teaching, differentiated for individual pupils, is the first step in responding to pupils who have or may have SEN. Additional intervention and support cannot compensate for a lack of good quality teaching’ (DfE, 2015, Pg. 99). The Education Improvement Service supports inclusion through the promotion of high quality, adaptive teaching and support for the leadership in evidencing effective SEND provision. This is part of the universal offer to support the implementation of the graduated response, this includes sharing information at Headteacher meetings or resources such as ‘SEND on a page’. In addition, school-based consultancy and a range of training events are delivered throughout the academic year.
Preparing for adulthood
Preparing for Adulthood Pathway
Find information helping children and young people to prepare for adulthood. It sets out how services should work together to support young people with special educational needs and disabilities to prepare for adult life.
Preparing for Adulthood Toolkit
Find all tools and resources from the National Development Team for inclusion (NDTi).
Derby and Derbyshire Safeguarding Children Partnership
Provides a range of information resources on topics such as safeguarding disabled children, early help, domestic abuse and more. It also provides a range of policies and procedures with key local guidance.
Starting Point
To request early help services for Derbyshire children and young people.
If you are concerned that a child is suffering or is at risk of significant harm, please contact Call Derbyshire on 01629 533190 immediately.